Box takes a standard 750ml winebottle
200x200x60mm Houtboksie ideaal vir klein geskenkie
Mes (165x90mm) + houtboksie
Wall clock 30 cm – printed direct on wood
26cm w x 8cm h
Jägermeister Shot Tray Solid Black Ofram Wood with Leather Handles Includes: Wood Shot Tray 45cm 8 26cm
295mm x 295mm Frames take 10x15cm photos Comes with hook on the back on which to hang
26x17cm wooden desk frame clock
20x40cm board DETAILS: Frames take 10x15cm photo Comes with hook on the back on which to hang and also with stand to use as deskframe
21x30cm Wooden frame
Buck knipmes (145×25×15 mm) + (400x140x12mm) soliede kiaat houtbord
Printed Tin 10x15x7cm
30x42cm Framed Wooden plaque/sign
20x20cm Framed Wooden plaque/sign
Printed Tin 14x21x7cm
Set of four wooden coasters 9cm
Beer not included
19x28cm Wooden plaque/sign
30mm – printed wood on bronze keyring no personalisation
A4 Wooden plaque/sign
Box takes a standard 750ml winebottle not included
Printed Tin 11x15x7cm